What to do, what to do.

The "I'm Thinking" now thread
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What to do, what to do.

Post by Haviland »

Two weeks holiday, and today, I don't have to collect anybody or take anybody anywhere.

Of course, it's going to rain, so getting the grass cut is out.

I could take the rubbish to the dump, since the council bastards still haven't collected the rubbish from last Wednesday.

Hmm, Batman's not on at the local(ish) cinema, but Clone Wars is on at 1.

What to do, what to do?
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Re: What to do, what to do.

Post by Wyvern »

Bank holiday here, and I did various chores at the weekend so I'm gonna do nothing constructive :)
They got things like the atom bamb... so I'm gonna stay where I... AM!
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Re: What to do, what to do.

Post by Corm »

So far I have picked fluff from my navel, eaten a few boiled eggs and messed about with Civ. I dont see this bank holiday being a productive one. I have to keep my mind distracted otherwise ill be up to GW buying the new rule book and models I dont really need. Speaking of which Boab if you read this PM me about 40K if you have your army sorted etc.

Hav d/l the new Batman whilst going to watch Clone Wars. Kills two birds with one stone. Well not really but I couldnt think of any other saying that fits.
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Re: What to do, what to do.

Post by Haviland »

Wandered down to Leith, got a cigar cutter for a friend who shares the same birthday as me, wandered around Ocean Terminal for a bit, worried just how badly George Lucas could fuck up a cartoon, decided not to botyher today.

Going to wireless a TV in to #2's room, then I'll either tidy up a bit, or play a game.
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Re: What to do, what to do.

Post by Haviland »

Crap, everybody's got one of those wireless video extenders...

Can pick up everybody's bar mine.

Ah well, back to Plan B, lots of coax and a hammer.
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Re: What to do, what to do.

Post by Haviland »


I should, of course, exercise my leet mod skillz and rewrite this thread to make me look heroic.

However, I shall resist the temptation and use this opportunity to lambast the SCART standard, in the sure and certain hope[1] of you lot not laughing at me.

So, as I said, got a wireless video sender to allow me to put a TV in Peter's room and not have to dig holes in the wall and stuff.

Wire it up, place the SCART tap it in-line at the back of the TV in the bedroom, which goes down to the DVD recorder, which goes down to the cable box (This is important, for reasons which will become abundantly clear later).

Select a channel so I can test, off next door to Peter's room. Bugger. "Cool Runnings", not what I've tuned in to.

Ahah, little channel selection switches on the devices. Hmm, there must be a lot of these devices nearby. And everybody's watching the film.


Plan B, physical cables.

Down to Tesco, get the needed. Lay the coax, realise that I can't find the remote for the TV and the One-For-All has flat batteries and forgotten its settings. I need to tune the TV in to the tap from the cable box next door.Half an hour passes, pressing numbers from the manual in to the OFA.

Suddenly (after a couple of tinnies), a thought. SCART. French standard. And so it proves.

Despite me plugging in the SCART tap at the back of the TV, and the TV selecting the cable box as the AV input, the transmitter had selected the SCART input from the DVD recorder, which was tuned to BBC2, which was showing Cool Runnings.

Move the tap down to the cable box' SCART connection and all is well.

Bloody French standards.

And now one of my wireless networks has stopped. Quelle surprise.

[1] Not a fucking chance, I think.
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Re: What to do, what to do.

Post by Wyvern »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
They got things like the atom bamb... so I'm gonna stay where I... AM!
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Re: What to do, what to do.

Post by boabyfett »

:lol: :lol: :lol:


"This calls for a delicate blend of psychology and extreme violence."
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