my brain just exploded

The "I'm Thinking" now thread
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Vyvyan Basterd
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my brain just exploded

Post by boabyfett »

what a saterday, this is my whole fecking saterday:

A function to label ASCII code as follows

1 - for lower case
2 - for upper case
0 - all other cases

function ARRTEST(arr)

var temp in Int
var index in Int
var outArr in Array (of size SIZE(arr)) of Int
var oldVal in Char
var newVal in Int
for (index <-- 1 to SIZE(outArr))


oldVal <-- AT(index,arr)
temp <-- ASC(oldVal)
newVal <-- 0

if (temp >= 65 /\ temp <= 90) then
{ newVal <-- 2 }
if (temp >= 97 /\ temp <= 122) then
{ newVal <-- 1 }

outArr <-- PUT(index,outArr,newVal)
return outArr

The code that calls the above function and gives values to inputs

var anArr in Array(of size 4) of Char
anArr <-- ['Q','2','Q','q']

Ive another question to do before bed and its nearly 3am. i need a beer.

Captain Pugwash
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Post by Wyvern »

I don't know what the fuck you just said... but you special, man :P
They got things like the atom bamb... so I'm gonna stay where I... AM!
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