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War, war never changes...

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:01 am
by Corm
...the end of the world happened pretty much as predicted...

Yup so it looks like North Korea have actually tested a Nuke underground. I wonder what happens now. Technically the war has never ended and its just a ceacefire but where does this latest development leave things. On the upside China are unlikely to support NK this time around unlike in 1952 when they sent in a few hundred thousand "volunteers".

Just as a side note did you know India and China are also still technically at war? Little known fact that one.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:35 am
by Haviland
China are, apparently, spitting blood and feathers.

Last thing they need is a nuclear power right on their border, even if it happens to be aligned with them.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:51 am
by Wyvern
Apparently they are signing up those with sufficient BF2 experience in the first wave.

Like more than 300 hours.

See ya later 'Bou :P

I reckon the Chinese are best placed to resolve this, but I don't know how...

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:25 am
by Corm
Thats the problem though isint it? I mean I only have 300 hours ill probably die in the first wav*cough* What I meant to say was that they have nukes now so how do you resolve it? If the South and her allies invaded the North Nukes em. If they threaten them the North Nukes them. If the North invade the South and they retaliate the North will Nuke the allies territory (i.e. Japan, who are significantly psychologically scarred as a race due to Nukes as it is. I mean ffs have you seen Akira?). No win situation which is exactly what the North wanted and needed to ensure aid continues to flow. It needs a bargining chip and it doesnt have much other than nuclear weapons now to ensure that bargining power. The real problem now though is that as NK has nukes what will Iran and certain other perceived "rouge states" think they can get away with?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:28 am
by Stig
meh loads of countries are still at war. Holland signed an official peace treaty last year because it was still at war with Guernsey (how come we didn't win that one?)

I doubt if this new development really means a treat to us. I think they will mainly use the for defence reasons, so they won't get attacked, they also know that attacking will be stupid.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:06 am
by Corm
Gurnsey! They only have a couple of thousand people living there. That has to have been some Royalty based nonesense that one. FFS Gurnsey isnt even a real country its just some tax dodge territory of the UK.

I dunno about NK only using the nukes for defence.

I know Team America: World Police was a piss take but the nations current leadership is no where near stable. The cabinet still consider the now long dead Kim Il-sung as the countries leader and some sort of communist demi god. Kim Jong-il is a nut case whos obsessed with films musicals imortality and dyeing his hair and eyebrows, thats not normal by any stretch of the imagination for a leader.

'sides the South (the Norths main target) are allied closely with the USA. NK has a fuckwit in charge and the USA has a fuckwit in charge I just dont see this working out with a tea party, cake and everyone being friends.