Glasgow East

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Glasgow East

Post by boabyfett »

Not that im particularly passionate one way or another about scottish independence. I do think we would be a better economy independent (given that Scotland is the only oil and gas producing country that has got poorer over the last 20 years, bar chechnia) but i do like being british.

But i did like seeing those smug pricks have the smile wiped off their faces. Working with a few folks who voted apparently every one was saying im not voting for that patronising bitch who lives in Newlands and pretends to be one of us. (houses there cost 500K+)

The SNP guy lives in a council tenemant. in the east end.

Says it all about new labour.


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Re: Glasgow East

Post by Dunwa »

My god, politics on the GMA board that doesn't inculde the lines

"fooking Umerikans"
"George Bush can suck my baw bags"


"George Brown what a cun *snip* "
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Re: Glasgow East

Post by Haviland »


Yeah, smack in the teeth for Labour, but that *&^% Cameron needs one as well.
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Re: Glasgow East

Post by Wyvern »

The whole lot are useless.

Bring back the monarchy I say. And by monarchy I mean me.

You can all be local governors with absolute power. Fear will keep the local cities in-line.
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Re: Glasgow East

Post by Mortorin »

Wyvern wrote:The whole lot are useless.

Bring back the monarchy I say. And by monarchy I mean me.

You can all be local governors with absolute power. Fear will keep the local cities in-line.

Couldnt agree more!!! . . . . . except with me as king rather than you :P
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Re: Glasgow East

Post by Dunwa »

Haviland wrote:LOL.

Yeah, smack in the teeth for Labour, but that *&^% Cameron needs one as well.

Awwwah, leave the poor guy alone, he's just had his bike nicked *sniggers*

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Re: Glasgow East

Post by Corm »

[serious] The thing is its a by election not a parliamentary Westminster election. By elections are traditionally used to vote in protest of the ruling administration by voting against them if they have your constituency. Which i think is really what happened in Glasgow East. They are sick of Labour and voted SNP to let Gordon Brown know it.

Im also a pro British type of person. Not because I think Scotland is better off in the Union, I really don't and I feel if we went it alone as a nation we would be better off in the long run, may even see a renaissance of our culture much like the various enlightenment periods certain of our cities have seen in the past but because I think 300+ years of shared history is important to all of us and its a slap in the face to the NI, English and Welsh in that order to abandon them simply because our politicians in the last 50 years have mostly been wanks.

Would I be overly concerned if we became Independent? Not any more. A year a go it gave me the fear but I really do think the SNP have got a rough idea what they are doing and will look out for Scotland first on a world stage rather than London which is what our current UK administration does. A few concerns though. Their abhorrence of Nuclear Energy is IMHO in this time of climate change plain stupid and they dont appear to be too smart on their budget management, not generally and immediate problem but one that can have massive impacts if managed incorrectly (see GB time as chancellor under Blair and our current UK economic situation for ref). A little thing about the economy there though that the media have been slow to point out. Unlike the rest of the UK Scotlands economy isint in as much of the doldrums as the rest of the UK however it appears thanks to our media that we are talking our way into the same situation as the rest of the country. If you think back to the 90's Black Wednesday was essentially based on media and then financial speculation rather than reality and this time around although there is a real threat all the fear mongering in the media actually exacerbates the problems... anyway [/serious]

GWB IS a wanker and wtf was that Twat Barrack Osama doing in Berlin. Eh hello dude but newsflash your arent the fecking president yet you arrogant cock knocker!
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