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Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:53 am
by Mortorin
Another great waste of tax!!

Been really ill since friday, and today I cant actually speak more than 3 words without running out of breath, now I've said for years that they should do away with GP's and just have nurses and surgeons because they are absolutely hopeless!! But anyway, I phoned nhs 24 just to set my mind at ease (plus I didnt even know what gp's practice I belonged to), in fairness the guy who answered the phone was really nice and didnt have to keep asking me things over and over (like most call centres do), but when I got through to the nurse I bet you can guess what she told me . . .

Yep your absolutely right!!

Bed rest, plenty of fluids, and paracetemol. And if the problems persist in a couple of days phone us back - the medical professionals equivelant to IT's "switch it off and on again"

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:20 am
by Haviland

But it usually works. Unless you've got malaria or something.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:42 am
by Escif
I rarely bother with the doc's at all, fortunately I don't tend to get ill that often. Seems like they may as well outsurce it to a call centre in India.....

Anyway, hope you feel better soon mate :)

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:01 am
by Wyvern
So you have time off work to level up then :P

Get well soon!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:11 am
by Dunwa
Don't get me started. :evil:

When Alexander was young he had what we now know is a "Febrile Convulsion". It's basically a seizure where the child may look hot and flushed, and their eyes may appear to roll backwards. They may appear dazed and then become unconscious. Parts of the body may twitch or shake. It does not usually last long.

It happen late at night so we phoned NHS24 for “advice”, could we get a doctor out, should we take him to hospital or call an ambulance ?

We were told to put him to bed, give him fluids and call the doctor in the morning. Next morning, we went to our local GP who told us that any seizure in a 6 month old was serious and we should have gone straight to hospital. He was furious that the so called “advice line” told us to stay home and not bother going to hospital. Lots of letters from the GP and us resorted in an apology letter from NHS24 and a promise of retraining, Pah !

In my option NHS24 should be scrapped or at worse be replaced by an answer machine which is on permanent replay

“Please don’t bother the Doctors, they cost the Government money. If you are still alive tomorrow then maybe consider wandering down to you local GP, but please use public transport. Thankyou for using NHS24”

Drink a bottle of Whiskey Mort to reeboot yourself !

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:33 am
by Mortorin
Dont tempt me :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:21 am
by Mortorin
Wyvern wrote:So you have time off work to level up then :P

Get well soon!
I tried mate, got to 29 just by handing in a few delivery quests, but it was giving me a sore head :cry: Its just not fair, whats the point in being off work if you cant level?? :P

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:40 am
by Wyvern

Agreed; if you feel like crap you may as well go to work anyway :P

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:07 pm
by Mortorin
Well I would if I could walk without hanging on to a wall - dont think driving 30 miles to work would be a good idea in my condition :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:15 pm
by boabyfett
i gave up on doctors when it took them over a year to diagnose a deflating lung.

you think when i wasnt able to walk more than five steps without ah lie down theyd look at the lungs. there fucking little better than limb hackers.

GP's - lets face it, every little middle class kid whos parent more or less pay there way into medical school (ive known an awful lot of medical students and doctors, all but two were arseholes) want to be the worlds greatest surgeons. there are very few eho really want to be gp's (the two who werent arseholes did) 99% of GP's are basicly the ones who ducked up medical school but they let pass to keep up there good name (again i know someone who the let repeat 1st year medicine 3 times, 2nd year twice and 3rd year twice, and then he went to work in a hospital, its just ducked up.

good idea mort, nurses and surgeons.


Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:56 pm
by Corm
I make a point of never criticising them ever. Even in my head 'cause one day you may have to rely on one to save your life and knowing my luck I'd jinx myself if I ever said a bad word about one. Not that I belive in fate, luck or any of that bollocks but you never know eh? :P