Opening a bottle of red.

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Opening a bottle of red.

Post by Haviland »

So, our corkscrew died a couple of weeks back.

Sausage casserole for tea, and Peter has been yelling at/with his friends on XBox Live, so I decide to improvise.

I recall, from my youth, pushing a cork down with my finger. No joy, let's try a kitchen knife sharpener to push it in.


"Are you OK dear?"

"Yeah, fine" wiping wine from the ceiling, doors, worktops, back of my shirt...

Bastard is, the cork's in the bottle, so it'll have to be drunk.

As will I.
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Re: Opening a bottle of red.

Post by Corm »

Could you not have just tapped the top off the bottle with something flat and metal like they don on TV with machettes and shiz? :lol:
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Re: Opening a bottle of red.

Post by Dunwa »

You and knives 'bou
Dunwa Arche
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Re: Opening a bottle of red.

Post by boabyfett »

yea hav. its classy, like opening champaign with a sword.


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