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Re: Teeth

Post by Haviland »

Thash wash phun.
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Re: Teeth

Post by Mortorin »

If at first you dont succeed, excessive force is probably the answer

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Re: Teeth

Post by boabyfett »

Haviland wrote:I'm off to the dentists in 10 minutes, for half an hour's root canal work.

Can't wait... :cry:



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Re: Teeth

Post by Corm »

Heh Sulli just had a premolar removed too!
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Re: Teeth

Post by Captain-Sullivan »

No I had not ! Don't say those things, you'd jinx me like this thread cursed me to the hell that is dentistry. *frantically makes every protective cabalistic gestures known to man*
I chipped one of my premolars, and after quick glance from my doc (couldn't get an appointment from the teeth-torturer sooner than next tuesday, and I was told I was lucky.) I was informed that I may not even have to get it devitalised. Maybe. Apparently some small decay spot I couldn't see caved in and carried the affected part of the tooth with it. I was just chewing some gum, ffs !
Fingers crossed real hard, hoping they won't have to kill the tooth.

I love my teeth. I don't want to see one of the flock die so young.
My physician even said to me : "Wow you got very good teeth. You're lucky."

Don't you die on me, Chuck, don't you dare ! (yeah I gave a name to the tiny bugger).

Add to that a nasty angina. One thing ending in -gina I don't like. Decided to fight it mano a mano like a man, no meds for me gringo. Bad move. Fever. Now on antibio.
I'm off from work for the week-end (yes I work even on sundays. Paid double wage, though) , but I can't even play Conan because I tried to get the early access the very day they closed it for british pre-order keys. And I ordered my game in GB.

/end rant.

In one thread you got more information on real me than in years of sparce foruming. Happy ?
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Re: Teeth

Post by Haviland »

Umm, if angina means the same to you as it does to me, I'd see a doctor. Restricted blood flow to the heart isn't always a good thing.
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Re: Teeth

Post by Captain-Sullivan »

It's angina tonsilitis, to be precise, so if I don't feck up Mr Heart won't be involved.
And I saw a doc, that why I'm on antibiotics right now.
I feel like shit, though.

Thank you for your concern Hav. :oops:
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Re: Teeth

Post by Captain-Sullivan »

To whomever it may interest.

News from the dental front.
Tooth wasn't pulled out. Tooth didn't have to be devitalised.
The dentist just carved it a bit and filled it with some stuff that once solid looks like the rest of my tooth.
Apparently a small spot of decay I didn't see had weakened the part that gave in and broke away.

Now I just have to wait and see if the pain subsides or not. If not, the dentist hit the nerve and poor lil' tooth will have to be put down. :roll:

Twas my first dental treatment ever. Grinded tooth powder smells bad. High-frequency vibrations throughout your skull tends to be uncomfortable.
/crybaby mode.

On the other font :
Fever has subsided yesterday. Fell much better. Antibiotics FTW.
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Re: Teeth

Post by Haviland »

Dentistry's much better these days than it was in my youth, when the first thing the dentist did was start poking BFO holes in the buggers.
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Re: Teeth

Post by Captain-Sullivan »

Yeah, my parents used to tell me horror stories about what dentistry was like, when I was a kid.
Oh I brushed my teeth regularily, allright ! :lol:
Didn't prevent me from having that dental carie mind you, but that may have more to do with the way I brushed them, and with what.
It was between two teeth, so I guess those advices about flossing were true. :|
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